the GÜSO mission:
Succeeding as an artist is a lifelong challenge for many, and the vast majority of talent never attain the financial independence they want and deserve. GÜSO exists first as a brand designed to cultivate a community centered on the appreciation of art across all genres, by bringing together and empowering great talent and providing select artists a shared platform to showcase and sell their work, for up to 100% profit. This website, and the brand as a whole, intends to serve as a creative collective, and is not intended for taking any credit, or financial gain, from the individual artist's work: nor does it retain any exclusivity rights for sale. While the onboarded artists may be associated to the branding of GüSO, their own brand, design, and style will be retained via their individual pages and products, as desired. The brand theory is this: while it is increasingly challenging to succeed as one artist, if one platform were to host a curated handful of great unique talent, each of whom have their own products, audience, and potential traffic: then each artist will have an implicit higher chance at growth, as their work will be exposed to a significant higher % of diverse viewers, and prospective customers. The newsletter is the first step in creating a social feed, but GüSO intends to provide more social tools and mechanisms that cultivate a community around all music, art, and largely the collective artists and their ventures. The brand will eventually host and produce events, and have physical storefronts. The first storefront, and collective studio space, is estimated for 2024, in Denver.
Where's my money going?
All proceeds earned by GÜSO goods are reinvested into new projects, webstore upkeep, and advertising. All proceeds earned by individual artist sales go directly to them, inevitably fueling their future creative endeavors.
What's the Return Policy?
If you're not satisfied with your purchase, or the item arrives damaged, please email